Jimi is 4 today. Can you believe this little person is four. I know me and mummy can't.

I wish you all the happiness, sunshine and lollypops in the world Jimi.
You really are my best friend. Your the only one who doesn't mind running barefoot in the mud with me, the only one who will share my water bowl with me, and the only one who lets me sample every single thing they eat.

Posted by Manda and Oisín at 12:34pm
Happy Birthday Jimmy!!! I'll bet you shared some of your birthday cake with your best buddy Oisin!
Ann, Frodo, Molly & Cleo
VERY belated birthday to cute cute Jimi!
Did he share his birthday cake with you Oisin???
Hey Oisín!
Haven't heard from you in a while. Hope you've been having some fun adventures!
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